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MANY of us know at least one person who avoids going to the doctor as long as possible. These individuals postpone check-ups until the very last minute, and when they finally go, doctors always ask them why they didn’t come earlier to improve their health situation. Below, we reveal which zodiac signs are a bit careless about their health.
Taurus – going to the doctor until the last minute
Tauruses are stubborn in everything, including when it comes to their health. They believe that everything will pass on its own or, even better, with good food, plenty of sleep, and minimal stress (which means no doctor’s appointments). If something hurts, their first reaction is, “Come on, it’ll pass soon,” and they repeat this day after day until they end up at the clinic with something they should have dealt with months ago.
Sagittarius – going to the doctor until the last minute
Sagittarians have far more important things in life than sitting in waiting rooms, waiting for someone to tell them they need to slow down. They simply don’t like wasting time on “little things” like check-ups because they are too busy planning trips, working, or having fun. Instead of seeing a doctor, they’ll Google their symptoms, decide everything is fine, and go on a trip until they get sick and are forced to take a break.
Leo – going to the doctor until the last minute
Leos are convinced they are invincible. Stomach pain? Surely from too much coffee. A headache? Probably from thinking too much about their own magnificence. A Leo will insist they feel great until the very last moment, and when it finally hits them, they will dramatize it as if they are on their deathbed. But even then, expect them to go to the doctor only when they realize their friends stop pitying them and start dragging them to an appointment.
Aquarius – going to the doctor until the last minute
Aquarians are the people who will tell you, “Medicine is great, but I have my own methods.” Instead of going to the doctor, they’ll prefer to dive into alternative methods, experiment with their health, and try out tips from the internet. If something hurts, they’ll first watch a documentary on natural remedies and convince themselves they can fix the problem on their own, until things get really bad and they realize maybe they actually need someone trained for this.
Capricorn – going to the doctor until the last minute
Capricorns are masters at ignoring symptoms because they simply don’t want to admit they’re sick. For them, illness is a waste of precious time they could have spent doing something productive. Coughing all week? “As long as I can work.” Running a fever? “I’ll drink some coffee, that will lift me up.” They only go to the doctor when their body literally refuses to obey, and even then, they’ll first ask if they can do their treatment with a laptop in hand.