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MAKING a decision is not always easy, but some zodiac signs are true masters of avoidance. Instead of taking responsibility, they would rather wait, weigh their options endlessly, or let someone else “make the first move.” If you’re wondering who the kings and queens of excuses are, here are three signs that will do anything to avoid making decisions and shift the responsibility to someone else.
Libra – don’t like to make decisions
Libras are known for their love of balance, but it’s precisely because of this that they can be incredibly indecisive. When it’s time to make a decision, Libra will analyze every possible outcome and get completely lost in their own thoughts.
Their favorite move? Asking everyone around them for their opinion, just so they can shift the responsibility to the group consensus. If things don’t go as planned, they can always say, “Well, we all agreed, didn’t we?” Their favorite phrase: “What do you think? I’m not sure, but maybe we could… or maybe not?”
Pisces – don’t like to make decisions
Pisces are so connected to their inner world that making decisions in the real world often feels like a huge burden. When asked to take responsibility, they would rather drift away into their fantasies and let things unfold on their own. Their tactic involves procrastination and avoidance.
If you press them, Pisces will find a way to charm you and convince you that the decision might not be so urgent after all. If the situation takes a turn for the worse, you can expect the famous phrase: “Well, I didn’t decide that…” Their motto: “Why make decisions when everything can just fall into place on its own?”
Gemini – don’t like to make decisions
Geminis are extremely intelligent and quick, but when it comes to making decisions, their mind simply works overtime. They can look at both sides of the problem, think about a thousand scenarios, and end up completely lost in the sea of options.
Their strategy is to shift the responsibility to someone else with a charming explanation: “You know better. I’m always indecisive anyway.” If the decision turns out to be a bad one, Geminis are the first to say, “I told you I wasn’t sure.”