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Many of us have at least one friend who’s easier to find in some secluded café than to reach by phone. Whether they’re too busy, forgetful, or simply don’t like talking on the phone, these zodiac signs are masters at ignoring calls and messages.
Aquarius – never answer their phone
Aquarians are always preoccupied with their own thoughts, ideas, and analyses of the world around them. To them, the phone is an interruption to their intellectual adventures, so it’s not unusual for them to simply leave it in another room or mute it indefinitely.
If you call them, there’s a good chance they’ll look at the screen, contemplate the meaning of life, and then—nothing. They’ll answer when it suits them, which could be tomorrow, a week from now, or never. They often read messages, but responding feels like unnecessary effort. If you really need them, it’s better to accidentally bump into them in person.
Sagittarius – never answer their phone
Sagittarians are always on the lookout for new adventures, experiences, and places. Their need for freedom and constant movement means they’re rarely available, even if their phone is literally next to them. A call feels like something that “ties” them down to one place, and that’s the one thing they want to avoid the most.
Messages get lost among travel maps, photos, and notes for their next trip, and calls are often ignored because they’re too busy planning their next adventure. When you finally get ahold of them, they’ll likely tell you they forgot their charger, lost their phone, or simply forgot they even have one.
Pisces – never answer their phone
Pisces are known for their emotional and dreamy nature, but also for frequently forgetting about practical things. Their phone often ends up turned off, lost in a bag, or simply neglected because they’ve been too busy daydreaming about everything and anything.
Their approach to technology is simple: if something is really important, they’ll get back to you, but everything else can wait. Pisces are the type of person who will call you a week after you sent them a message, apologizing that they were “in their own world” or that their battery was dead (even though you know it wasn’t).