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Is there anything more romantic than the idea of the “love of your life”? Some women search for it at every turn and in every smile that comes their way. However, despite their strong desire, the stars won’t align in their favor this year. Here are four zodiac signs in which women will continue their search for the one, but they will likely ring in the New Year alone.
Cancer – searching for the love of their life
Cancers are the dreamers of the zodiac who fantasize about a fairytale romance, but it is precisely this idealism that often gets in their way. Cancer women want the one who will understand every feeling they have and see them as the most precious jewel in the world. The problem? Sometimes they seek perfection that simply doesn’t exist.
This year, Cancer women may overanalyze every potential encounter and reject someone who could be “good enough”—because why settle for less than ideal? The stars advise them to lower their standards just a bit, but will they listen? Probably not.
Virgo – searching for the love of their life
Virgo women seek a partner who must meet a long list of criteria, and they cannot make a single mistake. Their need for perfection often prevents them from seeing the beauty in imperfection, and potential partners quickly tire of their “well-meaning” criticisms.
This year, Virgos will continue searching for someone who matches all their criteria, but the stars warn: maybe it’s time to stop overanalyzing every word on a date and just enjoy the moment. Will they do that? Unlikely.
Pisces – searching for the love of their life
Pisces are unmatched romantics who love the idea of love more than they love real people. Their hearts are constantly filled with dreams of the perfect partner, but when reality turns out to be a little less fairytale-like, Pisces retreat into their fantasy world.
This year, Pisces will continue daydreaming about their prince charming, but the stars say they will have a hard time recognizing true love when it appears. Their tendency to dramatize things may further complicate the situation, so the year will likely end with more tears than kisses.
Gemini – searching for the love of their life
Geminis love being in love, but their desire for freedom and constant change often sabotages their chances for true love. While they search for a partner who will intellectually and emotionally stimulate them, they constantly ask themselves, “Is this really it?”
The stars predict that Geminis will have several interesting encounters this year, but their indecisive nature and desire to “keep their options open” will likely prevent them from fully committing to someone. The love of their life? Maybe next year.