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We’ve all given up on something at least once – from a diet that lasts until the first cookie to a relationship that simply has no future. But some zodiac signs are true masters at it. While others stubbornly push through to the end, these signs have no problem raising their hands and moving on.
Gemini – retreat as soon as they encounter an obstacle
Geminis are masters of enthusiastically starting things – but even better at quickly quitting. Planned a marathon? Sure, but a walk to the café sounds better. Their mind constantly seeks something new and exciting, and as soon as something becomes monotonous, Gemini simply turns the page.
In relationships? If they get bored, if their partner smothers them, or if everything feels predictable – they’ll simply disappear. Not necessarily physically, but mentally, they’re already on to a new story. If you want to keep them, you need to constantly surprise them – and no, texts saying “I have a surprise!” followed by a classic dinner at home don’t count.
Cancer – retreat as soon as they encounter an obstacle
Cancers are emotional perfectionists. In their world, things should go smoothly, warmly, and without too much stress. If they feel they have to try too hard – whether in work, love, or friendship – they’ll quickly give up. Their inner thought is: “Why would I fight for something that doesn’t make me happy?”
A Cancer will give up on a diet because it’s too hard to avoid something sweet for comfort. They’ll quit a job if they feel unappreciated. They’ll give up on a relationship if their partner isn’t emotionally available or doesn’t understand their subtle cues. If a Cancer pulls back, it means you’ve already lost the battle – and the chances of a comeback are slim.
Libra – retreat as soon as they encounter an obstacle
Libras are the kings and queens of graceful quitting. They don’t run away dramatically like Aries, nor do they retreat into silence like Cancers – they simply stop putting in effort. If something is too exhausting, conflict-ridden, or draining, Libra will say, “No thanks!” and walk away in peace and harmony.
Started a new fitness regimen? After three days, they realize it’s easier to stroll around the mall than jog on a treadmill. In a relationship with someone who loves arguments and debates? They’ll disappear soon because it disrupts their inner harmony. Something complicated at work? Libra would rather change companies than get into conflicts. They don’t like fighting – and if they must, they’ll let things resolve on their own… or let someone else handle it.
Pisces – retreat as soon as they encounter an obstacle
Pisces are a sign that lives in a world of imagination and ideals. When they start something, they already have a perfect scenario in their head of how it will turn out. But as soon as they hit the first obstacle, they lose motivation. Took a dance class because they imagined romantic dance moments from the movies? Then they realized that in reality, it involves sweat, missteps, and a yelling instructor? They quit. Found a job they envisioned as a creative refuge? But then the boss is demanding and has deadlines? They leave.
In a relationship with someone who isn’t quite like the character from their favorite romantic story? They disappear into their fog of unanswered messages. Pisces don’t give up because they’re lazy, but because they want to live in a world where everything is magical. When reality gets too rough, they simply retreat – and dream of something new.